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We work out to look good, feel good and to function well, often forgetting about our skin. There are some nutrients essential to ward off premature ageing and skin disorders in mature skin. Starving our bodies of nutrients can be shown in the form of cellulite, acne, dry, dull skin as well as other skin complaints.

Vitamins, minerals, protein and fats are all used to make up our skin. They also regulate oil production in the skin and help create collagen. Collagen helps make our skin look smooth and is constantly being renewed as it does not stay once it has been formed. We require a consistent source of nutrients and proteins to continue the process of collagen renewal. Without these important nutrients, the skin and blood vessels become fragile and the skin ageing process accelerates.

Let’s look at what is needed to slow this process down!

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Collagen is made up of several amino acids which are supplied by foods containing protein. This includes fish, eggs, meats and legumes. To promote collagen forming in the skin, protein needs assistance with Vitamin C, iron and manganese. The recommended daily intake of protein is 64 grams for men, 46 grams for women, 65 grams if pregnant or breastfeeding, and higher if you are an athlete.


Iron is a mineral largely supplied by red meat and wholegrain cereals. It is necessary for proper collagen formation in the skin. Unfortunately we find a lot of health regimes and diets eliminate red meat and grains. This is done to decrease unsaturated fats and wheat gluten which is hard to digest.

Red meat is also known to cause either an over production or under production of oils within the skin. This may lead to an increase in the chance of acne and wrinkles. Therefore, taking red meat out of your diet may assist with these conditions.

In Australia, the most common deficiency is iron. It is therefore extremely important to make sure that you are getting enough iron in your diet, especially for women, vegetarians or vegans.


Zinc is another mineral that is needed for collagen production. It has been linked to prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as acne. Signs that you are lacking in this important mineral include acne, complications in pregnancy, impaired growth and immunity, hair loss, poor appetite, impotency and skin lesions.

Zinc deficiencies may be caused by frequent alcohol consumption, during growth spurts or when ill. Zinc supplements can help if you are prone to low levels of zinc.


Whilst Calcium does promote youth in the skin, for a lot of people it may be best to take in a supplement form. This is because the top source of calcium is found in dairy products, which can actually contribute to skin issues such as acne, eczema and cellulite.

So, for healthy, glowing, youthful skin, start putting the nutrients we all need into your body!!

Having a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods is key to healthy glowing skin. Dr Joanna McMillan, Nutritionist and Vice president of The Australian Lifestyle Medicine Association, lists her top 10 foods for radiant healthy skin here.

When it comes to building the body you want, you may not be eating as well and as healthily as you think you are. Read more about foods that may be sabotaging your ideal body here.

xx Leanne

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