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Our Founder

Leanne Sklavenitis is an award winning, registered Personal Trainer, Gym & Group Exercise Instructor with over 32 years in the health and wellness industry.  Her passion for helping people has seen Leanne travel the world as a Speaker, Trainer, Consultant and Coach. She continues to successfully help her clients achieve their health, weight loss and well being goals on a global scale through her online wellness programs at  

More recently, Leanne’s drive for motivating healthier communities has pivoted to take on a personal focus after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND), also known as ALS and Lou Gehrig’s Disease. “The Beast”, as former Australian AFL player, coach and “Fight MND” Co-Founder, Neale Daniher calls MND, has not dampened Leanne’s determination to live an AWESOME life and passionately advocate for well being, despite the challenges this disease brings.

Leanne’s vast experience has taught her that changing mindset, setting realistic goals, and developing solid plans of nutrition, will lead to overall life balance, ensuring you enjoy longevity in every area of your life. This premise is at the core of Leanne’s own life and the basis for her online programs. Combining mindset, exercise, and nutrition, is helping women over forty to feel amazing about themselves again, in every way!